Aprende. Ahorra.

Aprende finanzas personales con tu familia en Inglés y Español. Cambia tu vida sin vender nada, con tu propio trabajo.

Author: Thinkmex

Ways to BudgetManeras de Presupuestar

There’s a few ways to budget. Here they are: Using a Spreadsheet and some envelopes. Here is a sample spreadsheet. Save a copy to your computer, go through it, go through the notes. Essentially, at the beginning of the month you enter the values you want to spend, and then keep that amount of money in the envelopes. When you go…

Where does it all go?¿Es que a donde se va?

On the first you get paid. By the 5th (or 2nd!) you’re out of money. How does this happen? – I have too little money! That could be true, but somehow you’re surviving. Take out the feeling for a minute and think. What did you spend it on? If you can’t remember, if you can’t account for every dollar, then…

US Personal Finance. For Mexicans. Ajúa!Finanzas Personales en Estados Unidos. Para Mexicanos. Ajúa!

This is a blog about personal finance focused on Mexicans in the US, and discussing our unique challenges. Most posts will be in English and Spanish. Why a blog about personal finance in two languages? Este es un blog acerca de finanzas personales enfocado a Mexicanos en los Estados Unidos, discutiendo nuestra problemática específica. La mayor parte de las entradas están…